- PDB hompage: Protein Data Bank.
- BALL: Biochemical Algorithms Library.
- Moltalk library: A computational environment for Structural Bioinformatics.
- Python macromolecular library: Software toolkit and library of routines for the analysis and manipulation of macromolecular structural models.
- Ezprot library: Class library for analysis of protein sequence and structure.
- Biopython homepage: Python tools for computational molecular biology.
- Bioperl homepage: Perl tools for bioinformatics, genomics and life science research.
- Robetta server: State of the art protein structure prediction.
- Psipred server: State of the art secondary structure prediction.
- Dunbrack Lab website: Homepage of Roland Dunbrack's research group. Here you can get the tools SCWRL (side-chain reconstruction) and PISCES (PDB culling).
- SWIG homepage: Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator.
- Doxygen homepage: Automatic document generation.
- Open Source Initiative: Promoting open source software.
- Kevin Karplus' links: More bioinformatics links.
- Music from the proteins: Converting amino acid sequences into songs
- Moldeo: Real-time visuals